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Did U Know

Did you know that our world is constantly changing,
Slowly but surely always rearranging
The continental drift may not be so swift
But places move and locations shift
What?s here today tomorrow will be there
Now that I told you ? do you really care?

Did you know that we?re poking holes in the sky
One day the oceans will boil and earth will fry
The icecap?s melting and fiords disappear
You better learn to swim before the big waves appear
Not the best of times to be a polar bear
Now that I told you ? do you really care?

Did you know some people can?t believe what they see
They just can?t trust anyone they think conspiracy
There was no man on the moon the towers didn?t fall
There was a second shooter down in the grassy knoll
Paul is longtime dead while Elvis lives somewhere
Now that I told you ? do you really care?

Did you know billion asteroids orbiting in space
That?s the second biggest threat to the human race
Of course it?s more likely that one bright and sunny day
Someone will push the button sending nuclear-head our way
Next war they?ll fight with stones and arrows in the air
Now that I told you ? do you really care?

Did you know so much food is going to waste
Throw this one and try another if you don?t like the taste
While other parts of the world are thin and getting thinner
Kids go to bed without having any dinner
Take a bite and ask yourself is it really fair
Now that I told you ? do you really care?

Did you know they say greed begets prosperity
Nothing is wrong with a little income disparity
It?s the trickle-down effect you?ll be glad to learn
Let the rich get richer and then one day will be our turn
As trickles tell me ? do you have a buck to spare
Now that I told you ? do you really care?

(C) 2009 Alan Sanie. All Rights Reserved.